Thursday, 30 May 2013
Help! Help! I need a Superhero....
I have raised the Bat Signal.. I need help of the superhero variety, because nothing short of a superhero is going to rescue me from this food coma I seem to have slipped into since I came back from my honeymoon...
I am pretty sure my motivation and willpower got abandoned on one of the Caribbean Islands and are currently sunning themselves and sipping on cocktails laughing their asses off at me.
I keep saying I'm going to go back to a slimming class. I keep getting organised and then I allow something to distract me. Mostly, food. I have been eating and drinking like a woman possessed with a tapeworm, or a high metabolism...
So that's why I have raised the Bat Signal by starting to blog again. It might give me the push I need to get my backside back in gear. I have literally buried my head in the sand and won't even get up on the scales at home for fear of breaking it!
I am putting it down to all the new things in my life;
- New Husband
- New (to me) car - purchased for me by the new husband, he's definitely a keeper!
- New Suite of Furniture - a major role player in my lack of motivation. I sit down on this bad boy and it's like sitting in a big fluffy hug...
- New Phone - I have ditched the Apple and now run with the Samsung crowd!!
- And finally, New Job....
The name of my blog is apt, I am a weight watching wife. It's just that right now, I'm watching it (and facilitating its) increase...
Help! Help!
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Our Wedding
We had such a wonderful day for our wedding. It was one of the happiest days of my life. From the moment I opened my eyes till the moment I closed them I smiled and smiled. When I got into my dress and my hair and make up was done, I was so happy with myself. I was so glad that I had put in the effort that I put in. On the day of my wedding I had lost 58lb in 18 months. Now I realise that is not going to win any Biggest Looser competitions or anything, but I managed to drop that weight, have a social life and still enjoy myself!!
But that wasn't the only reason that I was happy with myself. I was happy because all of our hard work and planning had come to an end and myself and himself were finally getting married! I was so excited. The most excited I've ever been in my life. And I wasn't the slightest bit nervous. I was antsy to get going - poor divils in the bridal party!! I had my poor mum awake at 6am - "Will we have tea?" I says to the darkened room... "Right so" she sighed in response, knowing full well there wasn't a hope in hell of getting me back to sleep!!! So tea it was. And because she's my mother, she got up and had tea with me - thus preventing me waking the rest of the bridal party and being hated for ever more!
I have the best and most beautiful bridesmaids, even if I do say so myself! I chose well. The girls were so good. They stayed up with me the night before while I chatted and let my nerves bubble over (I was nervous the night before alright, real nervous!). They watched as I ran around the room like a headless chicken packing and unpacking and putting things in piles and checking my lists and ticking them off. And the next morning the patiently put up with my restless energy, asking when was it time to get dressed, asking when was it time to have a glass of wine, asking what we will do next, asking, asking, asking - you get the picture!! Eventually, I was allowed to get dressed. I think I am one of the very few brides in this world that were ready an hour before they were to leave and still managed to be twenty minutes late (much to my annoyance!!) I am very lucky to have such great people in my life. The girls did a wonderful job looking after me! My advice to anyone picking a bridesmaid? Make sure it's someone you are comfortable enough with that you are happy to have them sit behind you on the top the toilet holding your dress up while another is in front of you holding you and the rest of your dress up while you are doing your business. Because that is most likely what will happen... Wedding dresses are beautiful, but the most impractical piece of clothing you will ever put on - apart from a veil. A veil is really really really impractial. Everyone stands on it, pulls at it, tugs at it. I couldn't wait to ditch that bad boy!!!
It was a day that I realised how lucky we were and what wonderful people our lives were filled with. We were both blessed to have grandparents in attendance! I had my mums mum and my dads mum and dad to help us celbrate and himself had his dads mum there too! I think we are very lucky. .. there are many in this world that don't even get to have their parents with them!
We both had some special peolple make it from Down Under. My beautiful little Aussie flew in the month before and she helped to make the day so lovely! She was a gift! Everyone that met her loved her!!!
Himslefs cousin surprised many by arriving the weekend before the wedding after a long long flight from Australia. He was a sight for sore eyes and really made our day! Especially for himself!
I could go on and on about our wedding day! To me, it was perfect. All I wanted and more... I married the love of my life in front of the people we love..
5 April 2013... the start of happy ever after!
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Farewell to the Deflating Bride
The purpose of the old blog was to keep me focused on my weight loss for the wedding and, for the most part, it really did. But it also helped me to laugh at myself, vent and get some things off my chest. So I am incredibly grateful for all that.
So goodbye Bride!! Say hello to the Wife!