Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Weigh Day - The Result Week 9
Friday, 25 September 2015
Motivation - That Fickle Little Rip
I have been thinking about how motivated I had been over the last nine weeks. Everything had clicked into place and I was powering through the weight loss without a struggle to be seen. I was moving more and more every day and feeling on top of the world about myself, how I look, what I was doing and how committed I was (am). But then last week came along and old habits, that I have worked very hard to change, began creeping back in. Too tired to move, too busy to cook, too..... (insert excuse here). Suddenly, all mojo has up and left me and I am happy to sit on the couch, or ignore the early morning call to get a few extra steps in. The baby is not well, sure no time to cook. Busy busy busy.
I promised myself that I would not allow my excuses to hold me back this time. I swore that I would be bigger than any excuse I could muster up and that I would not stand in my own way again. Thankfully, my lack of motivation hasn't last this whole entire week, and I am feeling on top of it all again. I have also noticed that even though I have gone off track, I'm not killing myself with unkindness. Instead I am looking at the bigger picture of this journey I am on, and I am allowing myself a couple of stumbles along the way in order to make it there in one piece (mentally and physically). And I think the reason that I haven't spiraled out of control is because I am working so very hard on how I perceive myself and the things I think and say to myself.
So here's a couple of things that have helped me get myself back to where I need to be...
Photos I am a snap happy person. I used to be called Tagger O'Toole, but then I got married, changed my name and had a baby so I was less likely to be out in the pub at 1am taking snaps of all the shenanigans and more likely to be walking the floors using my phone as a flash light so I could see what I was doing without actually turning on the lights and fully waking the baby! But, back in my Tagger days, I have hundreds and hundreds of photos of myself that are absolutely not flattering in any shape or form. I see these photos now and marvel at how the girl on print never matched the one in my head... This week, I got a pop up of a memory on Facebook, which was a photo of me from 2009. Apparently back then I not only needed to loose a lot of weight, it also would have been useful to introduce me to a decent hair straightener, some moose and a make up lesson or two... but that's not the point. The point is, when I saw that picture I realised that I have actually come a very long way from the girl I was, not just physically, but mentally too. Comparing a then and now made me very protective of the weight I have lost and made me excited about getting to where I need to be.
Keep a Diary. Not just a food journal. When I came back to weight watchers, I made myself a couple of promises, and one of them was to track my food and to write a diary about my day. And that's what I have been doing. Every day (or most anyway) I write a plan for the following day, what food I'm going to eat and what exercise I am going to do and then leave a space for how it went and how I felt. It's been helpful to look back on this information.
Get adventurous. It can be so boring loosing weight. I find that I get a couple of recipes going and then I end up just sticking with them. Then I get bored and I make bad choices. When I'm feeling demotivated I get my books out, I go on line and make myself try at least one new dish a week.
Check your thoughts. I know, I go on and on about the power of Positive Thinking. But it really works. I was recently out with my best friend who told me that the transformation in me over the last couple of weeks is amazing. I am less stressed, less likely to be bogged down in the little things and so much happier than I have been in a long time. I didn't even know that I was that unhappy until I started to feel this happy!
This journey is a long one. And it can be a lonely one, particularly if you are to beat yourself up and treat yourself unkindly along the way. Find a reason to be proud of yourself every day and keep trying until that motivation kicks back in for you. No matter how big a cheerleading squad you have standing behind you, the support you give yourself is the really the only thing that will make sure you succeed.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Birthday's, Benders and Babies
After a couple of days in Lovely London, I came home to my wonderful Little Aussie and her Mum and Aunt visiting. So, being the hospitable person I am, I invited them all over for a bit of dinner and a sociable drinkie-pooh. And by sociable, I mean very sociable. I absolutely took advantage of Super Valu's 3 bottles of french wine for €25, in fact, not only did I take advantage of it, I abused the bejaysus out of it. By all rights, I should have been curled up in the fetal position begging for a Priest to give me my last rights on Saturday morning, but I wasn't. I got up bright as a lark and thirsty as desert dweller, but I made soup and porridge bread (which I must have made wrong cause it was rank) and I made a lovely dinner for that evening, to provide soakage for round 2. Yes, you heard me correctly, round 2. Before going out on Saturday evening I did a bit of shopping and bought a pair of jeans one size smaller than usual. I didn't end up wearing them out though until round 3... For round 2, I slipped on a pair of mint green skinny jeans. These jeans are super significant. The last time I wore these I wasn't even a married woman! Oh no. They were purchased for wearing the night before I became a wife. And not only did they zip, they fit! I felt amazing. And so happy with myself for all my hard work.
Here I am looking very pleased with myself!
Because of this PMA and bag of aura cleansing material I am carrying around with me these days, my three day bender did not leave me with a bad dose of the Fear and a mountain of negative thoughts! Instead, I took my crazy weekend for what it was, a once off blow out, I dusted myself down and fell asleep on the couch on Monday evening, like the Nana I truly am, before heading to bed at 8am to sleep soundly for a good 12 hour stretch. Refreshed and ready to make it to a weight watchers class Tuesday evening.
But alas, it was not too be! Because Tuesday was spent nursing a very very sick little baby. One that had lots of high temps and needed lots of cuddles and comfort and antibiotics and nurofen and water and just anything at all to relieve her pain and discomfort. My Dolly has tonsillitis again. The poor little divil spent all of Tuesday and Wednesday pretty much curled up on my lap. No more partying... instead it was preparing bags in case we had to go to the hospital with her and trying to get her temps under control.. See why high jinx and baba's don't mix!
Birthday's aren't the same as the were pre-baba days - not that my liver would agree with you after the weekend I had. It was such a stressful couple of days with my poor sick girl that I didn't really think too much about the day itself. Until I was given a birthday present to beat all birthday presents. Himself was very good this year, really out did himself by giving me my very own designer baby that is to be kept very far away from the real baby...
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Weigh Day; The Result for Week 7..
Now, I'm off to get organised for dinner. Fake-away tonight! I'm going to treat myself with some Diet Coke Chicken and Fried Rice I'll have to add a couple more points onto the recipe for the fried rice, but feck it, it'll be worth it!
Have a great week everyone!
Monday, 7 September 2015
The Weekly Result; This Roller coaster is only going up...
And by up, I mean the weight is just going down!I have lost another 2lb this week. I'm not going to lie, I got nervous hopping up on that scales because of the crazy sugar monster that took over my willpower earlier in the week. But all of my moving has paid off, because I lost another 2lb!I am 0.5lb off 10lb. That's a dress size! An almost dress size in 6 weeks! This has never ever happened in all the time I'm weight watching. I am so pleased.
And, to add some sugar free icing on top of my low fat weight watchers desert... I FINALLY fit into a guna (dress) that has been laughing at me for over 18 months from the back of my wardrobe. And not just it zips fits, oh no, actual fits and is appropriate viewing for the general population! So, after 18 long months keeping my wardrobe warm, it will keep me warm for a night out on Friday night.
Here's to a great week to everyone!
Weigh Day - Week 6 The Toughest One so Far
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Week 4 of my 12 week challenge
I decided to start a 12 week challenge on the 11 August 2015 which would bring me up to 2 November 2015. The aim is to loose 21lb by that date and track in a 12 Week Journal everything I eat and how I feel. It's going well. I haven't missed a day yet.
I took my measurements at the start of this challenge and decided I would retake them at the end. But I'm impatient, so I took them just now.
In 4 weeks I have lost 7.5lb, but I have also lost;
0.5 inches from my waist
0.5 inches from my hips
1 inch from my bust
1.5 inches from thighs
1 inch from my arm
At this rate I'll be able to stop carrying around that fire extinguisher every where I walk! The Chub Rub is less likely to set me alight!!!!
Here's to Non-Scale Victories!!!
Saturday, 5 September 2015
Friday, 4 September 2015
It's Friday at last!
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Weigh Day; The Result
Oh my goodness. I have such a busy busy evening and morning since I got weighed that I haven't had a minute to update you all... wonderful news to be shared. In absolute record time for me, I have shed a grand total of 7.5lb in 5 weeks. Completely unheard of! That never happens. I have lost consistently over the last 4 weeks and had only one maintain on Week one. I normally loose 1, gain 6, loose 0.5, gain 3 - you get the picture! I lost another pound last night and I swear to God I am so very proud of myself!!!
New month now. New goals to be achieved. My goal of 81k steps continues to evade me... I made it to 79,500 steps in the last week. I just couldn't do the last 1,500. I am raging now because I am meant to be bigger than my excuses! But it's past, I'm moving on.
This month's goal is another 7lb loss by 30 September. I am going to achieve this by getting back on my tracker and really using that tool. I'm also planning on increasing my daily steps by 500 so that I achieve 83,000 steps next week. It's a challenge, but I will do it! I need to keep building on this momentum and my PMA!
I celebrated my loss with a workout and a cup of tea!
Here's a pic of me and my shiny silver seven