Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, your looking very Christmassy...
I can't believe there are only eight days till the big day. This is all very exciting let me tell you. Time has been shooting away from me. It's been four days since I got weighed and I am only getting around to posting about it now! But before all that, let me fill you in on the last two weeks.
I had my Christmas party two weeks ago. It was a grand night. We had some crazy "entertainment" and booze galore for most of the night. I walked the legs off myself and me and one of my besties ended up partying the night away in a London casino till the wee hours of the morning. The result? I died a holy death. I mean, the worst hangover I have had in years and years. It took me 40 minutes to complete a 15 minute walk from where I was staying to where I work. Sweet divine baby Jesus my flight home was horrific. I swear to God I had the little paper bag poised and ready. When the plane hit turbulence I was instantly thrown back to that time I went on Space Mountain in Disney land Paris and wished I was dead... Some poor man sitting beside me was rubbing my arm reassuring me that it was only a bit of turbulence and all would be well. I think he took the beads of sweat racing down my face in a marathon to see which one sploshed onto my lap first as a sign that I thought the plane was going down in flames. Thankfully, I managed to make it to solid ground and the privacy of a cubicle before I made a holy show of myself. I got home, prayed that the baby would be easy for me, which she was, put her to bed at 6.30pm (this is her usual bed time, not the 'mammy has a hangover and can't be dealing with you' bed time) and I lay on the couch and begged for death. When death didn't take me, I rang for a Chinese and prayed it would stay down. It must have been all my walking and what not because when I got weighed after that weekend I maintained. And when your in the throws of party season, you can't be sniffing at a maintenance.

On to this week. Well I walked and stepped and lifted my way through the week like a mad woman. I achieved 1,000,000 steps since 30th August 2015 and decided to achieve 2,000,000 steps by 6th March 2016 (that's 2 million in total, just so we are clear!)
This has given me a real boost to get moving and keep moving over the Christmas. What has also given me a boost is this little ensemble I wore to my father in law's 60th birthday bash
I felt really great heading out on Saturday night. And I had a great night as a result of all my hard work. I did not feel so great on Sunday. Oh God, I thought the hangovers had left me. But they haven't. I do not recover well anymore. I had offered to do a big chicken curry for day two of my father in laws celebrations, and as I stood there, hungover to bejaysis, cutting up those chicken boobs, I genuinely thought I was going to pass out into the raw chicken and get food poisoning. I didn't, but it nearly happened. I think I must have drank about 50 liters of water and I was still thirsty!!!
All my hard work paid off, because when I got weighed on Monday, I was informed that I had lost 2.5lb! I'm delighted with myself! I am now 1lb off my stone and I want it on Monday. I will go into the Christmas week with my stone in my hand.
With Christmas week fast approaching us, my plan is in place on how to cope with the excess food and drinking. I am allowing myslef three free days and the rest will be like any other day of the week. And I have my challenge to continue with, 11,111 steps per day to achieve the goal of 1 million more steps in March.