Monday, 17 August 2015

Weigh Day - The Result

Prayers to the Pooh God's went unanswered (yes, I am discussing my bowel movements!) But despite their blatant shunning of me and my pleas, I have lost another 2lb! I am the happiest little weight watcher in the world! That's a total of 4lb in 3 weeks... not to shabby if I do say so myself!!!!

I'm as giddy as a goat right now. So glad the scales decided to take in to account all my hard work. So next week I just gotta go harder and stronger! I have a really big weekend on the horizon, I'll be going home for the weekend. Which includes lots of lovely food and wine and all sorts of the bold things I've been I need to get a plan of action in place, and a couple of minders to guard that lost 4lb so I don't bloody find it again!

Next week goals?  Well, I have achieved a grand total of 81k steps this week, so I think I might give myself a push and aim for 81k again next week. Easy peasy! A loss of 1.5lb would be perfect.

Here's to a good week!!!

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